2024 Pledge

As Christians, we are called to live our lives Eucharistically, in  thankfulness. If we are truly thankful, and we recognize that nothing  belongs to us, it is all the Lord’s and we are His stewards, then we  will give. The primary way we give is to/through the Church. Giving to  the Church should not be perceived as contributing to the “organization”  and those working for it. The local body of Christ manifests God’s love  in providing for the needy both within and outside the Church. In  giving, we help maintain the Church, and we entrust the Church with the  task of finding and giving to those in need. The earliest Christians did  the same—the Acts of the Apostles describe how 

“all  who believed were together and had all things in common, and they sold  their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had  need” (Acts 2:44-45)

 For the  Church and charity to run smoothly, we must give regularly. Jesus  Himself did this, in obedience to the Temple law of tithing. Although we  are out of the habit, “tithing” (10%) should be our standard as well.  We must prayerfully establish a fixed portion for our offering, and  commit this amount to the Church in the annual pledging program. This  portion is “off the top,” not the bottom; which is to say, it is our  best, representing the whole which belongs to God. It is not the amount  that counts, but that we truly give what we can which is always more  than we think. Our Lord praised the poor widow who gave only two coins,  saying she gave more than the rich who gave proudly.

What is a stewardship pledge?
 A  stewardship pledge is a commitment, made after deliberate and prayerful  consideration, to contribute a specific amount of money to the parish  community. It is a reflection of your gratitude for God’s abundant grace  in your life and is a holy offering that we can use to grow our  relationship with Him. Pledging enables the parish to prepare a  realistic budget for the coming calendar year. We hope that all  households will make a stewardship pledge -regardless of the amount- as  an expression of a vital commitment to St Spiridon Cathedral.
 Is there a minimum amount I have to pledge in order to be a member at St Spiridon Cathedral?
 No,  all gifts are gratefully received at St Spiridon. We are glad you’re here.
 What’s a good way to figure out what my pledge will be?
 Prayer  is a great start! Pledging and giving regularly is a great spiritual  discipline. The Diocese of the West considers pledging a financial  commitment to your parish as a requirement for membership. All members  are urged to make a yearly commitment of financial support to the  parish. We encourage you  to give whatever you can!
 What if my circumstances change during the year?
 Your  pledge to St Spiridon Cathedral is not a commitment set in stone. It’s a  way for us to prepare our annual budget. If you find that your financial  circumstances change in the course of a year – that’s OK – your pledge  can be revised.
 How can I pay my pledge?
 St  Spiridon accepts  cards, checks, and cash (through giving envelopes –  found in the collection basket). You can also add St Spiridon as a payee  in your bank’s online bill pay feature.
 How can I submit my pledge?

 You  can submit your pledge by filling it online below or by filling out a  pledge form and handing it directly to the parish Financial Secretary or placing  it in an envelope and mailing to the church office.

2023 Pledge